2022.1211.(Sun) The first snow
The first snow of this season. Did not expect… 続きを読む »2022.1211.(Sun) The first snow
The first snow of this season. Did not expect… 続きを読む »2022.1211.(Sun) The first snow
2022.1205.(Mon) We were stunned to hear David… 続きを読む »2022.1205.(Mon) David Ralph
2022.1203.(Sat) Went to post office to mail o… 続きを読む »2022.1203.(Sat) Messiah rehearsal
2022.1201.(Thu) The first rehearsal of Messia… 続きを読む »2022.1201.(Thu) Messiah rehearsal
2022.1129. (Tue). Went out of the house to bu… 続きを読む »2022.1129. (Tue) Fire log
2022.1124. (Thu) Naoko hosted the dinner at h… 続きを読む »2022.1124. (Thu) Thanksgiving dinner Beigo watch
2022.1123. (Wed). We decided not to do anythi… 続きを読む »2022.1123. (Wed).49th anniversary
2022.1122.(Tues.) Visited Ikuko’s house… 続きを読む »2022.1122.(Tues.) Ran-away dog
2022.1119.(Sat) Went to NYMC Concert at Holy … 続きを読む »2022.1119.(Sat). NYMC
2022.1118.(Fri) Sprinkler was winterized toda… 続きを読む »2022.1118.(Fri)Sprinkler winterized-A friend passed.