0204 (Sun) Mailed 21 cards to Japan, France, Croatia and Viet Nam.
0205 (Mon)Photo editing and card writing. It was my birthday and became 81. Everything was quiet.
0206 (Tue)5 cards were sent to Canada, Italia, Spain and France. This completes card sending for the year. Total cards I sent were 195. Continued to edit photo.
0207 (Wed) Photo editing completed. Reported to the president of JAANJ. Nippon Club Chorus.
Took Charlie to crest Ave. lookout as usual.

0208 (Thu) Took train on 9:37am for 11 o’clock rehearsal. Nippon Club Chorus and Japan Choral Harmony jointly performed at Annual Senior Lunch of JAANY. The venue was Nippon Club. Then, I walked the Consulate General of Japan at 299 Park Ave. to get certificate of residency. After all these were over, I finally went to the place of rehearsal of the Oratorio, 68th and CPW. After the rehearsal of 7-9:30, arrived home around 11pm. A long day.

0209 (Fri) Had appointment for hair cut at 2:30. However, Rt-4 traffic was not moving upon entering Teanick. Have them change appointment at 2:30 on Saturday, the next day.

0210 (Sat) Went to hair cut. No problem on traffic. My hair stylist, Eri said she was visiting Firenze and Venezia in March. I gave a few information where to visit. On the way back, dropped by at Walgreens.