0407(Sun) Went on hiking with Matsumoto, Mayumi Otani, Yoshiko Ishida and Sonny Ochiai. Went to Ramapo Vesta Loop. 10:00-14:10. Dropped by Majestic Diner on Rt.17 for coffee. Put them on train left at15:30. Took pictures of weeping cherry in town.

0408(Mon) Spoke with Optimum to reduce chrges. it went down from 360.00 to 270.00 by switching cable from premium to standard. Partial Eclipse. started 14:10 and peak was 15:25. However, cloud covered at 15:20.

0409(Tue) At 10:00, Optimum sent 2 tech. to replace some cable and modem. Went to Branch Brook Park 13:30 At 18:00, Nippon Club Chorus. Yoshiko came to sing as a member.
0410(Wed) Went to Branch Brook Park, leaving house at 11:30 returning 14:00.

0411(Thu) OSNY Samson. Also, Bach for Richard’s celebration on Sunday. DiAnn sent message re: Saiki
Hi all I had a call from Rumiko this morning! She’s undergoing chemo so can’t do a re-audition now. She’s actually still in rehab, but they tell her the tumor is shrinking, so she hopes to come back in the fall. Please keep Rumiko in your thoughts and prayers! DiAnn
We bumped into a double rainbow on Crest Ave. in Ridgewood on 4/12. This picture is not fake nor an invitation to heaven.I was very lucky because 2 things occurred simultaneously. One was someone good at picture taking was there. A cinematographer happened to be shooting a movie there and I asked his assistant to take a picture of us. The assistant appeared to be good at photo taking, which was No.2 reason to have this good picture. No1 reason was I was able to envision seeing this rainbow. When I arrived at this spot, the sun was hidden by dark clouds in the west. A few minutes later, the dark cloud moved onto where I was and it started to rain pretty hard. However, I stayed there believing this rain would move east, the sun continued to stay in the west AND I would be in the middle! This would be a perfect condition for a rainbow. As I envisioned, VOILA! perfect rainbow in double!
ブロッケン現象(ブロッケンげんしょう、英: Brocken spectre)とは、太陽などの光が背後から差し込み、影の側にある雲粒や霧粒によって光が散乱され、見る人の影の周りに、虹と似た光の輪となって現れる大気光学現象。 光輪(グローリー、英語: glory)、ブロッケンの妖怪(または怪物、お化け)などともいう。

0413(Sat)JAANJ Super Senior Citizen Ohanami