

0625(Tue) Went to Weil Recital Hall after Nippon Club rehearsal. It was recommended by Neko san and Prima Donna was her friend. The story was about an American actress and well played but language was in Japanese. Why play a story of an American actress in Japanese in NY?
0626(Wed) Printed and edited Awa odori stories.
0628(Fri) comment from Yuka Ono re: my book
ハリーさん、今日facebookのストーリーに載せましたが、頂戴した本を完読しました。素晴らしいですね! 1600キロのカミノを歩いた79歳、感動です 心からおめでとうございます
0629(Sat) Mailed the last message as the president of Tokushima Kenjinkai to the members together with Awa odori (New York Ren) initiation stories.
At 1pm, families of Naoko and Ikuko joined our lunch.