
2022.0709.(Sat) Maubourquet-Arragosse 12.8km8.0miles

2022.0709.(Sat) Maubourquet-Arragosse 12.8km8.0miles
I thought I could depart earlier than yesterday. Just before departing, there came a lady claiming she was a professional photograper and writer. She wanted to write about the Camino and she wanted to take photo of me and my email address. I said ok and she did what she wanted.
Church bell again hit ten times and off I go. It was fine day and I was expecting to see the Pyrenees.
Yes, I was able to see at several places and took photo, of course.
When taking a lunch break at Lahitte, came a young peregrino and talked a while. His name was Andrea, age 22 and started from his home town of Vicenza, Italy on 20th of May. He already walked 1500km and will add 1000km when he will arrive in Santiago sometime in August. He started this morning from Marciac. This means he walked in a half a day for what I walked for a day and a half. It is an amazing speed. He said he was not necessarily follow exactly the Camino and we went apart.
The rest of the trail was not much fun and just hot.
The place to stay for tonight was a chambre du hotes, means individual home. But it was well built and the hostess was nice. She did not speak English but understood my English. May French knows English but does not speak and she was one of them. Tomorrow’s distance was 25km plus. Because it was impossible to find a taxi here, she said she could drop me off at Anoye, 10km from here and I could walk 15km to arrive at Morlaas.


Andrea from Vicenza, age 22

The Pyrenees

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