2022.0711.(Mon) Morlaas-Pau 14.4km 9.0miles
Strong ray of sun this morning. Took sometime before departure for errands such as getting a sandwich. The Camino ignored Pau. So, I ignored the Camino and visited there. How to get there? Consulted with Google map and it gave me a good direction and said 9 miles, 14.4km. There were good spots to see the mountains and took pictures. Had lunch at a restaurant happened to be located on my way. Entering the city, found well-built streets for pedestrians and bikers. It was very enjoyable to walk such streets. Arrived at the hotel around 4 under high temperature.
Went to lookout of the mountains. The low hills in front was hiding high hills in rear which was disappointing. Nonetheless, this city is the gateway to the Pyrenees.
Had dinner at a restaurant.
朝から強い日差し。 サンドイッチの仕入れなどで出発は10時。カミノはPau(ポー)を通らないので無視されていますが、だからこちらもPauに関する限り、カミノは無視しました。Google Mapsで歩行用の道を提供してもらい、その通りに行きました。9マイル14.4kmになります。途中、ピレネーがよく見える場所がありました。ランチに食堂の前をを通りかかったので、ランチをしました。Pau市内へ入ると道は整備されていて、散歩用、サイクリング用に気持ちのいい道が作られていました。炎天の中、4時過ぎにホテルに着きました。
A part of the Pyrenees from Pau