The other choir members went to Cambridge for excursion. I have chosen to visit the British Museum. I was there once before in 1988, while I was Vice President of Sharp Manufacturing Company in Memphis, TN. While I was there, our elder daughter, Naoko went to her European trip form her school while I was never been to Europe. So, I went to just London and Paris and visited the Museum then. It was not as impressive as this time because exhibition of paintings in Paris were overwhelming. However, since 1988. I visited many places in Europe, Africa and Asia which had substantially widened my views towards other culture and appreciation of arts. So, I enjoyed exhibition of the Museum more than ever and fascinated by the collections. The countries I visited after 1988 were: UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Benelux, Cech, Baltic Countries, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Israel, Greece, Ireland, Russia, Kenya, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Nepal, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Taiwan.