Went the National Gallery again in the morning. Eucharist in the evening.

2:00 pm Depart the hotel on foot to the Abbey.
2:30pm Arrive at the Abbey.
2:45pm-3:30 pm Warm-up in Cheyneygates
3:45pm Processional rehearsal
4:00pm-4:30pm Choir rehearsal in the quire
4:40pm Choir vacates

5:00pm Eucharist All choirs (Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Missa super Dixit Maria (Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus)—Hans Leo Hassler
Psalm 45: 10-end
Gospel Acclamation for the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dixit Maria—Hans Leo Hassler
Hymn 185, 408
The Abbey rang special bell for us for about 5 minutes to thank our service of past 5 days.
Then, we went to the downtown of London because this was the last day there.