8:30 am Depart the hotel on foot to Liverpool Cathedral.

9 am Processional Rehearsal
9:10 am – 10 am Rehearsal in the quire
10:30 am Eucharist
Opening hymn: 233 Agincourt
Coronation Mass—W.A. Mozart (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus)
Psalm 133
Gradual Hymn: 679 Kilmarnock
Gospel Acclamation
Offertory Hymn: 291 Westminster Abbey
Sung Acclamation of faith
Sung Eucharistic Prayer
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace—Samuel Sebastian Welsey
Final Hymn: 806 Corvedale
*Hymns taken from Hymns A&M
Midday Find lunch at the cathedral.
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Rehearsal in quire (no processional rehearsal)
3:00 pm Evensong in the Quire
Preces and Responses—Dan Locklair
Psalm 90
Evening Service Collegium Regale-Herbert Howells
Evening Hymn—Henry Balfour Gardiner
Hymns from A&M: 821

6:00 pm Farewell dinner in Alma de Cuba restaurant

Overnight Hampton by Hilton Liverpool