0903(Sun)Went for a walk with Barry, Naoko and 3 dogs to a pond.8:30-10:00. Played in the water and took some pictures. 4 of us went to a restaurant for a dinner.

0904(Mon)Left Schroon lake 9:00am and arrived home around 2pm. Harvested shiso plant and mitsuba plant.
0905 (Tue) Went to Nippon Club for choir rehearsal with 4:35 train. Returned around 9:10pm.
0906 (Wed) Picked up Mercedes which has been under repair since the accident on July 18.
0907 (Thu) Rehearsal of the Oratorio Society with train of 5:17. Returned home at around 11pm.
0908 (Fri) Went to tune up for Toyota.
0909 (Sat) Our grandson, Logan’s birthday party at trampoline gym.