1015(Sun)Fall food festival of the Japanese American Assoc. of NJ, where I am a board member. The place was Overpeck Park and was a nice weather. Office of the U.S. Congressman, Josh Gottheimer came and gave us a citation, Bergen County officials were present and also gave us a citation. Many attraction at the bandshell and many food trucks were present. Visiter must have exceeded 1000. Among them, Colin took the family and was flying a, kite with Logan. Evie was walking with a help by Ikuko.

1017 (Tue) Nippon Club Chorus.
1018 (Wed)
1019 (Thu) Saiki san drove me to the OSNY rehearsal.
1020 (Fri) Attended 6pm Godo Kenjinkai at JAANY.
1021 (Sat) I took someone else’s jacket last night and went to return it to Yoshi Takita in Queens.