1029 (Sun)Rain
1030 (Mon)Shot Covid vaccine at Rite Aid. Before going to Rite Aid, I wanted Walgreen to give me a shot and went there. However, they said I had to have an appointment. At Rite Aid, no question was asked.
1031 (Tue) Missed usual 4:37 train for Nippon Club Chorus but made 6pm start by taking the next train.
1101 (Wed) Winterization of sprinkler system. Went to my hair cut in Fort Lee.
1102 (Thu) Saiki san took me to the OSNY rehearsal.
1103 (Fri)
1104 (Sat) OSNY dress rehearsal 1-4 at DiMenna. Took train of 11:40 and 5:11. On the way to Dimenna Center, venue of the rehearsal, saw beautiful Empire State Building from Penn Station.