車のチェックアップの待ち時間に、行程表とガイドブック(Chamin de Arles)の照らし合わせを行う。前回二月のチェックアップ時に途中までで聞いたものを完了した。
帰宅後は、テレビのニュースをもっぱら見ていた。その多くは、下記領事館からのメールにカバーされている。(大統領がDefence Production Act.を発動したという事がなぜか抜けけているが、それ以外はおおむね正しい。)
在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館 ny@mailmz.emb-japan.go.jp via tricorn.net 8:26 PM (1 hour ago)
また,1000人のベッドを提供可能な海軍病院船(USNS Comfort)をNY港に派遣することに同意しました。NY港に入港するのは4月に入ってからの見込みです。
・NY市は,全ての学校において,午前7時30分から午後1時30分までの間,全ての生徒に対して朝食と昼食の持ち帰り(grab and go)を提供しています。
・3月17日,ニューヨーク・ヒルトン・ミッドタウン(53rd Street 6Ave)が3月20日(金)から2ヶ月間クローズすると発表しました。
1 3月18日現在,当館管轄内における新型コロナウイルスの感染者数及び死者数は以下のとおりです。(( )内は前日の数)
Harry Nishitani – Camino Reschedule / Coronavirus
Tracy Christie
to me, Caroline
Dear Harry,
Many thanks for your email to Caroline which she’s passed to me.
Firstly, let me say that we will not expect any balance payment from you.
Your deposit will be credited in full and we will simply reschedule your tour. That rescheduling will be free of charge.
You can choose new dates to fit with your new flight arrangements.
You should plan to arrive in Santiago by the end of October 2020. This is still a very popular period, with many pilgrims on the Camino Frances.
If you postpone to 2021 you could start any time from the beginning of April.
You will only be required to pay the balance 8 weeks prior to the new travel dates.
Let Caroline know if you’d like us to calculate possible and advise you? That would let you hone in on potential new flights.
Our March and April clients in the US have been able to change their flights free of charge already and all have rescheduled.
The UK Government has issued similar advice to travellers.
I know it is hard to get through on phone lines to the airlines.
But you should be able to change your dates online using their website, something we have done ourselves very easily.
Best wishes,
Tracy Christie,
Suite 9, 13 Main St,
Milngavie, G62 7PB,
Scotland, U.K.
Office – 00 44 +141 956 1569
Mobile – 07760 995561
Entry and Exit Requirements:
Spain: The European Union (EU) has asked member states, as well as Schengen Zone members, to close their external borders to non-citizens/non-legal residents for the next 30 days. Spain is a member of the EU and the Schengen zone.
Governments across Europe also continue to close land borders to non-citizens/non-legal residents, limiting the movement of individuals and transportation.
U.S. citizens without citizenship or legal residency in an EU or Schengen state may not be allowed to enter the EU or Schengen zone during this time. U.S. citizens will be allowed to exit the EU or Schengen zone.
Very limited international commercial flights remain available at the airports in Madrid and Barcelona. U.S. citizens are urged to work directly with their airlines, by phone, online, or app, to arrange flights should they wish to depart Spain.
Spanish authorities request that U.S. citizens and U.S. lawful permanent residents not go to the airport unless they have a scheduled flight.