2023.0105.(Thu). Passing of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI
2023.0105.(Thu). We, the Oratorio Society of … 続きを読む »2023.0105.(Thu). Passing of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI
2023.0105.(Thu). We, the Oratorio Society of … 続きを読む »2023.0105.(Thu). Passing of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI
2023.0104. (Wed) Today’s chiropractor w… 続きを読む »2023.0104. (Wed) Chiropractor 3
2023.0102.(Mon). went to the chiopractor for … 続きを読む »2023.0102.(Mon). Chiropractor 3
2023.0101. (Sun). I did not like the way the … 続きを読む »2023.0101. (Sun). Rewriting the article
2022.1231.(Sat) I thought this must be done w… 続きを読む »2022.1231.(Sat) Sending an article to press.
2022.1228.(Wed) Went back to the chiropractor… 続きを読む »2022.1228.(Wed) Chiropractor 2
2022.1227.(Tue) Went to Chiropractor first ti… 続きを読む »2022.1227.(Tue) Chiropractor
2022.1225.(Sun) Usually, I go to midnight mas… 続きを読む »2022.1225.(Sun)Chrisatmas day
2022.1224.(Sat) 2022 Christmas Eve is dangero… 続きを読む »2022.1224.(Sat) Dangerously cold
148th performance of Oratorio Society’s… 続きを読む »2022.1219.(Mon)Carnegie Hall, Oratorio’s Messiah