0317 (Sun)
0318 (Mon) Discussed with Kayoko how we do for Japanese TV viewing. The station who carried Japanese program, TV Japan, no longer carry program after April and suggesting viewers to subscribe streaming service called “Jme”. We did not seem to have any alternative but to subscribe the streaming service which required to buy streaming device.
0319 (Tue) Nippon Club Chorus.
0320 (Wed)
0321 (Thu) OSNY rehearsal. DiAnn gave me a bag which contains items that Ms. Saiki ordered from her and asked me to deliver it to her.
0322 (Fri) Dropped the bag at Ms. Saiki’s residence. We went Fort Lee for hair my cut and Kayoko’s shopping for groceries.
0323 (Sat) Sent tax papers to IRS with Certified, Return Receipt Requested from post office.
We had Zoom meeting with College Alumni Assoc. which speaker was Ms. Setsuko Thurlow. We were taught by her husband Jim at KG Junior High. Ms. Setsuko made an acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize in 2017. She was living in Hiroshima when the nuclear bomb exploded and became a Hibakusha (the people affected by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II(Wikipedia)).. She has been an activist of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). She spoke at our school in Nishinomiya, Japan last year when she received Kwansei Gakuin Award.
She said she was born on the Christmas day in 6th Year of Showa(1931) there fore, she must be 93 years old. However, she spoke very strongly in explaining how and why she was against nuclear weapon which was very powerful message and persuasive because she was one of the victim of nuclear bomb. I was very impressed by her strong will and enthusiasm.

今日は、–第22回KG寺子屋のZoom会議 – サーロー節子さんを囲んで– が8時から始まった。以下、サーロー節子さんのお話の一部。
毎晩寝る前にジムは子供たちにBedside storyを話した。これはとてもいいことだった。私の子供の頃にはそのような機会はなかった.
ジムのことを日本語で話すときには、主人とか夫と言っていたが、これらの言葉は適切ではない。彼は私をとてもよく理解してくれていたSoul Mateであった。私がくじけそうになっても、あなたがやらなければ、誰がやるのかと背中を押してくれた。