(Lower photo)On 7/25/2022, when I was walking on Camino de Santiago, Arles way, I met with a beautiful dog, Great Pyrenees in the village of Lurbe-St. Christau, west of Orolon St. Marie where I started to ascend towards the Pyrenees. Today, 3/26/2023, I was walking on Saddle River Pathway in Ridgewood, I was so pleased to meet another beautiful Great Pyrenees.(Upper photo)
(上の写真)今日は、初めての春日で気温は15度まで上がったので、歩きに出かけた。Saddleriver Pathwayという6マイル、往復12マイルの道を2マイル往復4マイル歩いた。帰りがけに、とてもきれいな犬がいるので、もしやピレネー犬ではないかと持ち主に尋ねたら、その通りだが、なぜ知っているのかと聞かれた。ここで昨年のカミノ・デ・サンティアゴを歩いた話をし、ピレネーに登りかけた7/15/2022にピレネーの麓でピレネー犬(下の写真)に出会った話をしたら、その持ち主は大変喜んで、写真を撮らせてくれた。
0328(Tue) 日本クラブ合唱団
The Nippon Club Chorus started on Jan. 31, 2023 and has been rehearsing under the direction of Reona Ito. 2 months later today, March 31, they were honored to be invited by His Excellency Kimihiro Ishikane Ambassador to the the United Nations to sing Japan’s National Anthem at the reception to cerebrate the birthday of His Majesty The Emperor Naruhito.日本クラブ合唱団は、伊藤玲阿奈氏の指揮指導の下、1/31に練習を開始しました。二か月後の本日3/31が初舞台となり,石兼 公博国連大使公邸において、大使主催の天皇陛下誕生日祝賀会に招かれ、各国大使、公使、駐在武官などおよそ200名の外交官たちの前で君が代及び大地讃頌を合唱する栄誉に浴しました。
A nessage from Reona Ito
Dear Performers
We got plenty of bravos from the UN ambassadors there (The ambassadors from Greece, Portugal, and Vietnam told me that they really enjoyed our performance. Great job and congratulations!
Welcome to the magical world of music performance! I’ll set up more opportunities of performance for the chorus to get used to performing in a concert. So let’s have fun together!
The UN representative of Japan will send us pictures of today. I’ll share them with you as soon as I get them. For now, I’ll attach a picture of everybody at the party. If you have any pic, please share.
Thank you very much!