0528(Sun) Continued to clean up of the garden.
0529(Mon) Went to PT. Clean up of the garden has been completed. Because I did not work on the garden last year due to Camino trip, the cleaning took extensive work at this time. But, It’s DONE!

0530(Tue) Went to nursery shop and bought 3bags of topsoil, 3 bags of composted manure and 2 flats of white impatiens.
0531(Wed) Mixed top soil and composted manure into garden soil. Had to lift 20lbs bag for the first time in 2 years.

0601(Thu) Planted cucumber and snow pea in the garden and white impatiens in flower pots at the entrance of the house. Fertilized by Miracle Grow.

0602(Fri) High in the 90 degree. Went to chiro and hair cut in Fort Lee and delivered a few seedlings to Saiki. Dropped by at Walgreens but they could not give me the right size of prescription.
0603(Sat) Gray day, all day high in the 60’s. Did not feel working in the yard because the sun is hiding.
0602(Fri)Weekly Catch