
2022.0611.(Sat) St. Jean to Lodeve

Looking at the map very carefully, there was a monastery 7km from St. Jean. I visited there and it was wroth doing so. The pre-recorded guide said the monastery was built over the period of times since 11th century and the Credential stamp was small and nice. Had sandwich there and headed to Soumont for 3.5km.
Met with young boy in the 20’s travelling with heavy backpack. At the drinking fountain above Soumont, we talked a while. He was an Italian and I enjoyed conversation in Italian very much. He started from Brescia (between Milan and Venice) and keep walking 1000km so far. from here to Santiago, it is 1500km. So, he will walk 2500 km and compared with him, my 1600 km appear to be so short. His backpack weighted 20kg and mine was 4kg.
The descent from Soumont was hard. One was heat and the other was the trail which was deserted for no one appeared to be interested to use.
The church in Lodeve was nice as the town itself appeared to be nice though it was so hot in the town. However, the hotel was not acceptable. Room was extremally small, no soap, no hanger, dusty closet, steep and uneven steps to the room. I lost enthusiasm to wash cloths and decided to postpone it till Monday, the resting day. Only good thing about the hotel was they prepared supper for us and did not have to go out to eat because there is nothing around the hotel. It was cold toward the dawn but they did not provide a blanket. I used my jackets over my body to keep myself warm.

今日は距離が短いので、宿から宿まで歩きます。最高点も427mなので、昨日とほぼ同じです。St. Jean から7㎞の山中に、Grandmontという古い修道院跡が復元整備されていて、見学できました。案内用オーディオテープがあり、聞きながら見学しました。修道院は11世紀に建てられたとのことでした。途中Soumontという山の上の村で、若い20歳代のイタリア人男性の巡礼に会いました。Bresciaというミラノとベニスの間にある町から、ずっと野宿で歩いているそうで、荷物は20㎏ぐらいあり、今日までで1000㎞ぐらい歩き、これからサンチアゴまで2500kmぐらい歩く予定との事でした。彼とのイタリア語の会話はとても楽しかったです。若いということはいいことですね。Sumontからの下り道は、人が通っていないかの如く、歩きにくい道でした。今日も、気温が高く、Lodeveに着くころには、持参の水がほとんどなくなっていました。Lodeveの教会は、とてもいい教会で、町もよさそうな町と見受けました。ところが、宿は古くて部屋は狭くて階段は急で、いい所はありませんでしたが、食事は作ってくれました。 LodeveでIGN10万分の一の地図170が終わり、169が始まります。

Grandmont monastery 7km from St. Jean

The hill above Sumont

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