2022.0706.(Wed) L’Isle de Noe-Montesquiou 11.2km,7.0mile
When leaving the inn, the inn-keeper offered me to take me to the nearby castle. This is because I complained that there were many castles but unable to see inside because they claim they were private property. However, this castle was owned by village and was able to see inside. One half of the castle was exhibition and the other half was used as kindergarten.
Raindrops were coming down but finally left L’Isle de Noe around 10:00. At exit of the village, I turned right in accordance with the marking but resident there said go straight. I checked GPS and the resident was correct and the marking was incorrect.
Going up the hill as usual and to my surprise, Cloud was coming down the hill. He said he was going home for his daughter’s 40th birthday.
Walked 7 km and arrived at Montesquiou, a very small town on the hilltop. The church was open which was rear. I had lunch there. Met 2 Pelegrinos who walked very fast.
From there, I took highway because I am staying a castle along the highway. 2km south of the village of Montesquiou, there was Le Haget, beauctiful castle on a large property. The receptionist thought I just walked in and she offered me a room in the tent. She finally understood I was a hotel guest. Hotel restaurant was for weekend wedding only and closed today said she. I am not going anywhere and please prepare some food I said. I complained there was no desk so that I can operate computer. She said I could use their dining room where I am writing this right now.
The room was small and water pressure was very low. I was looking forward to stay in the castle but now I prefer regular hotel with regular services.
今日は、距離が短いので宿から宿まで歩きます。朝、出かけようとすると、宿守のおばさんが、近所にお城があるので案内するとのことで案内してもらいました。今では、村の所有になっているとのことでしたが、半分は展示場、半分は幼稚園になっていました。曇り空の下、歩き始めました。標識の通り右折しましたが、住人がまっすぐ行けと言います。GPSを見ますと、住人の方が正しいとわかりました。しばらく登って行くと、Cloudが降りてきます。なんでも、娘さんの40歳の誕生日の為に帰宅するのだということでした。Montesquiouは、丘の上の小さな村でした。足の速い男女の巡礼に会いました。ここでランチを食べて自動車道を行きました。次の宿が自動車道から入る様になっていたからです。そこはLa Hagetというお城でした。ホテル用に改装してあるのですが、部屋が狭く、机もありませんでした。また、水の出が悪く、困りました。今までお城に泊まる事に憧れていましたが、普通のホテルの方が余程いいと思いました。ホテルのレストランは、週末しか開けないので、夕食を何とかしてくれと頼みましたら、Pizza を用意してくれました。芝生にテーブルをセットしてくれて、気持ちよかったです。
Le Haget, beautiful castle with large property

/Dinner table on the grass