0702(Sun) Camino book review. Takes time.
0703(Mon) Continue Camino book review.
Received a letter from the Village regarding construction of sidewalk on Monroe St. Took picture of trees because the Village will cut down all the trees within 10 feet of curb. Village’s tree planted in front of our house 35yeras ago and gigantic oak tree of more than 100 years old will be cut down before they install sidewalk. They will cut down other 7 or 8 tall trees on west side of Monroe St. before constructing sidewalk.
0704(Tue) Independence Day.
Review of Camino book is finally done. It is 199 pages plus cover.
Took picture of trees which will be lost.

/Photo credit: Borrowed from Ms. Yui Kitamura’s Facebook.
0705(Wed) Took picture of trees.
Construction started at Glen and Monroe area.
Planted some seeds.
0706(Thu) Went to Costco with Kayoko
0707(Fri) Planted impatiens on the south side of entrance.
0708(Sat) Ordered sample copies of Camino book. Should arrive on 7/13 or 14. If these copies are good, will proceed for mass printing.
Transplanted lettuce and lucola to bigger pots.