Today’s destination is village of miracle of hen.
It was cloudy and cold in the morning. Start walking from Azofra, 6.1km away from Najera. The ascent to Ciruena of 8.1 km was not steep but long. For about 3 hours, was able to reach Ciruena, where people were playing golf. Had a good lunch at the cafeteria of the golf club. Descent was interesting. It was good view of the Camino which appeared many photo of Camino introduction. While going down to Santo Domingo, met with a family of mother and 2 sons. They were from Balcelone and walk a week every year. This year, they started from Logrono and ends in Burgos.
This is the copy of the web above.
Santo Domingo de la Calzada in La Rioja, is home to one of the most famous miracles or legends on the Camino de Santiago. Located on the third section of the French Way of the Camino de Santiago, the history of Santo Domingo de la Calzada is intricately linked to the way of St James.
The town takes its name after Saint Dominic (the name literally means Saint Dominic of the road) who dedicated his life to improving the conditions of pilgrims en route to Santiago in the Middle Ages, building pilgrim hospitals, roads, and bridges along The Way.
A small town of just 6000 residents, Santo Domingo has retained its medieval charm and has an impressive number of monuments per square metre welcoming the visitors and passing pilgrims, reminders of this holy past: a beautiful cathedral, two Paradors (one of them used to be a pilgrims hospital), an abbey and many chapels, as well as grand houses belonging to local noble families and personalities.
Santo Domingo de la Calzada is also famous for the so-called ‘miracle of the hen’, considered to be the most famous of the Middle Ages and the Camino de Santiago.
According to the legend, a German young man and his family were traveling as pilgrims to Santiago. On the way, they stopped in Santo Domingo de la Calzada for the night, where he rejected the advances of the inn keeper’s daughter. Upset with the rejection, the young woman hid a silver cup in the pilgrim’s bag, who would be later accused of theft and condemned to death.
On their return from Santiago de Compostela, his parents went back to Santo Domingo de la Calzada to give the final farewell to their son and found him still alive, thanks to the intervention of Saint Dominic who knew of the young man’s innocence.
Surprised by such a miracle, the parents went to the authorities to let them know. The Corregidor (sheriff) of Santo Domingo being skeptical replied that their son would be as alive as the roasted cockerel and hen he was going to eat that very moment. As he pronounced these words, the cockerel and hen instantly got up on the plate, their white feathers grew back and they started to sing.
And ever since, it is said about the town: ‘Santo Domingo de la Calzada, where the hen sang after being roasted.” (Santo Domingo de la Calzada, donde la gallina cantó después de asada).
The above story is extracted from: https://caminoways.com/santo-domingo-de-la-calzada-the-miracle-of-the-hen
ナヘラを出るときには曇っていて寒かったです。6㎞先のAzofraから歩き始めました。Azofraの標高は500m、目的地Santo Domingo のそれは600mですが、間には745mのCiruenaがあり、これを越えていきます。約3時間で8.1㎞の緩い登りを歩き続けると、頂上のCiruenaの村に着きました。この村は最近できた新興住宅地で、ゴルフコースがあります。おかげで、クラブハウスのカフェテリアでおいしいランチを頂きました。それから下りにかかると、いろいろなカミノのPRに使われる、見晴らしのよい景色が眼前に広がります。何枚かの写真を撮りました。麓のサントドミンゴが見える所で、母親と2人の息子の家族に会いました。Balceronaの住人で、今回はLoglonoからBurgosまでの区切り打ちとのことでした。夕方、Cathedral の見学に行きました。ここの奇跡については下記の通りです。鐘楼にも登りました。
El Camino before arriving at Santo Domingo de Calzada
Chiken in the church