
2022.0605.(Sun) Saturagues-Vandargues 15.0km

Day 5 of 100 days on El Camino de Santiago de Compostela

2022.0605(Sun) Saturagues-Vandargues 15.0km
Departed before 9 am. Had to buy a sandwich at nearby Sunday market with inn-keeper’s wife. Then, pass Saturagues downtown and kept going to the next town. There, I made an error in selecting street and lost 45 min. In turn, I could take very good pictures. Kept going on the correct trail, met with a couple of peregrines. Pass Sant Christo and kept going. I made incorrect selection of the street for there was no sign and returned to the right track. I was going to make turn in accordance with GPS. But that turn did not have sign. I did not want to make the third error and called off for the day. Called hotel to pick me up. The inn-keeper came and took me to the inn. For dinner, she gave me telephone number of a restaurant. I kept calling the number but no one picked up. So, I went to see her but her office was closed and she obviously went home. So, I went to the restaurant and found out there was no seat available and found out the telephone number I was given by the innkeeper was incorrect. The restaurant manager was sorry and ordered pizza delivery for me. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. This is the only day that I made routing errors during entire 100 days on Camino.


昼食調達の為に、Inn-Keeperの奥さんと、サンデー市場に行きました。Saturaguesの村を抜け、次の村Vararguesの村を出るときに、標識が見つからなくて道を間違え、45分ほどロスをしました。おかげでいい写真は撮れましたが。正しいカミノを行くと、巡礼のカップルに会いました。高台にあるSant Christoの村に登って、又降りました。降りてしばらく行くと、GR653の標識がありません。地図とGPSで正しいカミノに戻り、La Bruyereまで来ました。この村を出るための次の交差点で、GPSも地図も左折するようにとの表示ですが、現実的にはその道は通行止めの鎖がかけられています。こんな大切なところにGR653の立て札もありません。三度目の間違いを起こすのは御免ですから、今日はここで切り上げ、宿に電話して迎えに来てもらいました。宿はカミノから外れているCastriesという村にあるので、遅かれ早かれPickupしてもらう必要はあったのです。この日の宿は食事の提供がなく、宿主は私にレストランを紹介して帰宅してしまいました。紹介されたレストランに行きますと、予約で一杯ですと言うのです。何とかせよと言うと、近所のPizza屋のPizza なら調達できるというので、仕方なくそれにしました。このような、無責任な宿には泊まりたくありません。明日はいい日でありますように。本日は100日巡礼のうちで道を間違えた唯一の日でした。

Village of Saturagues

Church in the village of Virarques but closed

Village of Virarques on the hill

The village of Sant Christo on the hill

Map and GPS said go this was but road sign said do not enter.

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