歩くのもいいが、時間がかかるので、今日は走ることにした。Willard 2.5マイル、時間 43:41.
Garden State Plazaは、明日から4月1日までCloseとのこと。
在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館 ny@mailmz.emb-japan.go.jp via tricorn.net
Mar 17, 2020, 8:26 PM (5 hours ago)
・また、NY市は、全ての学校において、午前7時30分から午後1時30分までの間、全ての生徒に対して朝食と昼食の持ち帰り(grab and go)を提供しています。
1 3月17日現在,当館管轄内における新型コロナウイルスの感染者数及び死者数は以下のとおりです。(( )内は前日の数)
2 CDCはホームページ上で新型コロナウイルスの典型的症状として「熱,咳,息切れ」を挙げています。NY市以外にお住まいの方も含め,これらの症状があり,感染が疑われる場合は医療機関に電話で相談をした上で,医療機関の指示に従って受診してください(特定の医療機関がない場合には地元保健当局等(NY市の場合は311)に電話してください)。
3 新型コロナウイルスの感染が疑われる場合の対応(ニューヨーク市のガイドライン)
Ridgewood/Bergen County 3月17日(火)
Both Governor Murphy and County Executive Tedesco have issued Executive Orders, which are attached to this email. Both Executive Orders have been issued to help slow down the spread of COVID 19 in Bergen County. In cases where the County Executive Order is more restrictive than the Governor’s Executive Order, the County Executive Order will prevail.
The following is a summary of the both the Governor’s Executive Order and the County Executive’s Order:
Ø No businesses shall operate in Bergen County except for the following:
· Preparation and sales of drugs, meals, and prepared food
· Take-out sales of alcoholic beverages, newspapers, pet food and sanitary pet products, gasoline and certain food products
· Auto repair shops will be permitted to remain open only if attached to and part of a gasoline station
· Health care facilities shall remain open, except for dental care facilities (unless it is an emergency)
· Law firms, other entities or individuals specifically licensed to provide professional legal services to the degree necessary to participate in Superior Court trials or other ancillary court proceedings or emergent matters or transactions
· Banks or banking institutions
· Funeral parlors
Ø All malls, shopping centers, construction and business activity of any type or nature, shall be closed until further notice
Ø All health clubs, gyms, dance class facilities, yoga class facilities, and all other recreational facilities shall be closed until further notice
Ø Utility road work is suspended, unless it is for emergency purposes
Ø Food establishments or retail establishments who sell mostly food, such as supermarkets, may remain open between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. and shall be limited to food and health care products. Larger supermarkets are limited to 50 patrons at one time.
Ø No groups of more than 4 people, other than family members, shall assemble in public at any time within the County until further notice
Ø A curfew is imposed within the County between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. for all public outdoor activities
Ø All casinos, racetracks, recreational facilities, concert venues and nightclubs are closed
Ø All restaurants and dining establishments may be open their normal business hours, but may only offer food delivery and/or takeout services
In the Village of Ridgewood, here are reminders and new updates:
Ø All Village offices will remain closed to the public, but our staff is ready to assist you by calling 201-670-5500 or emailing us
Ø Any older resident needing assistance should contact Councilwoman Bernadette Walsh, who will assign a volunteer to help you. You may email her at: bwalsh@ridgewoodnj.net or call her at 201-410-2042. If you wish to volunteer to assist older residents, please contact Councilwoman Walsh.
Ø Effective March 17, 2020 the Recycling Center will be closed until further notice
Ø Residential parking restrictions and overnight parking restrictions are relaxed
Ø There will be several free parking spaces near each restaurant to allow for pickup of food from restaurants and food establishments. These parking spaces are limited to 30 minutes. Other parking spaces require payment at the kiosks or by Parkmobile.
Ø Garbage collection will be picked up curbside only, from March 16 through March 27, 2020.
Ø The Planning Board meeting on 3/17/2020 has been cancelled.
Ø Village Council, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings which take place will be for Councilmembers or Board members only. We encourage the public to stay home and watch the meetings on Optimum channel 77, Verizon Fios channel 34, or livestreaming on the Village website or on Youtube. The public may call into these meetings during Public Comment time(s) on the agendas (which are posted on the Village website), by calling 201-670-5500 ext. 253.
Ø The Ridgewood Public Library is closed from March 16-27, 2020.
Ø Municipal Court – Persons scheduled to appear in the Ridgewood Municipal Court to contest a parking or traffic ticket or violation of a Ridgewood ordinance from March 16-27, 2020, should not appear and should await a notice of a new court date.
Ø All recreational programs in the Ridgewood Community Center have been cancelled until further notice.
Ø The senior bus has been cancelled until further notice.
Ø All school and recreational sports and sports practices have been cancelled. All public and Board of Education recreational fields, all school grounds, all tennis, pickleball, and basketball courts, and playgrounds within the Village of Ridgewood are closed, and all organized sports activities within all municipal and Board of Education parks/fields, as well as recreational activities run by the Village of Ridgewood or Board of Education are hereby postponed until further notice.
As a reminder, the information about coronavirus is found by clicking on the red banner, at the top of the homepage of the Village website. There are links there for the Center for Disease Control, the NJ Department of Health, and by clicking on “Coronavirus Information” at the top of the Village website, it indicates what you should do to be tested for coronavirus, as well as providing other important information. The NJ Department of Health has set up a hotline, to answer questions about COVID 19, which is: 1-800-222-1222. The Village has also set up an email address: infocovid19@ridgewoodnj.net to provide resources to answer your COVID 19 questions.
· Important update to yesterday’s E-Notice:
The Executive Order issued by the County Executive will not go into effect until Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.
· Important correction to yesterday’s E-Notice:
Food establishments or retail establishments who sell mostly food, such as supermarkets, may remain open between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and shall be limited to food and health care products. Larger supermarkets are limited to 50 patrons at one time.
· Additional information about previous E-Notices:
At Habernickel Park and Veterans Field, the walking paths are open for passive recreation. All school fields and school walking/jogging paths are closed. All playgrounds are closed.
The Recycling Center is closed, but recycling will continue to be picked up curbside, on your usual recycling pickup day.
All restaurants, dining establishments, and food establishments may be open during their normal business hours, but may only offer food delivery and/or takeout services.
COVID-19 Information Updated March 17, 2020
Country-Specific Information:
The Department of State has issued a Global Level 3 Health Advisory advising U.S. citizens to reconsider travel abroad due to the global impact of COVID-19.
France has confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout the country. Since January 24, 2020, there have been 6633 confirmed cases in France. There have been 148 confirmed deaths.
Public transportation including airlines, trains, and buses continue to operate, but transport links within France and to international destinations are increasingly limited.
Travelers should check carrier schedules for the latest updates and work directly with the carrier or travel agent to arrange or reschedule travel.
On March 16, 2020, the Government of France announced measures to minimize contact and travel. A containment system will be put into effect throughout France starting Tuesday, March 17 at 12:00 p.m., for a minimum of fifteen days. If necessary, travel is permitted in the following cases:
Between home and work when telework is not possible;
To make essential purchases in authorized local shops;
For health reasons;
To care for children or help vulnerable people;
Brief movements near or around my residence for individual exercise or pet care.
If you must travel for one of these reasons, you must carry an attestation (printable version here). Instructions in English can be found here. Unnecessary travel may be fined from 38 to 135 euros.
Entry and Exit Requirements:
The Government of France announced that, as of March 17, European Union external borders will close for 30 days. Travel across the Schengen area’s internal borders will be significantly restricted.
Flights from China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, South Korea, Iran, and affected regions in Italy arriving at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris are met by medical professionals to answer questions and take into care any person presenting symptoms. The French government is distributing flyers to travelers with advice in French, English, Italian, and Chinese.
(UPDATED March 17, 2020)
Country-Specific Information:
In an effort to contain the spread of COVID-19, governments across Europe continue to close land borders, limiting the movement of individuals and transportation. Limited International commercial flights remain available at the airports in Madrid and Barcelona. U.S. citizens are urged to work directly with their airlines, by phone, online, or app, to arrange flights should they wish to depart Spain.
On March 14, the Spanish government implemented a State of Alarm and issued a countrywide Royal Decree, valid for 15 days, that severely limits all movement and most commercial activity in effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
The U.S. Embassy in Madrid and the U.S. Consulate General in Barcelona are providing only emergency services to U.S. citizens. The five U.S. consular agencies in Spain (Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Malaga, Sevilla, Valencia) are providing only emergency services to U.S. citizens by email and telephone. Until further notice, the consular agencies will not provide in-person services.
U.S. citizens in Spain who require immediate, emergency assistance should email the Embassy at askACS@state.gov or the Consulate General at BarcelonaACS@state.gov. In a life-or-death emergency, please call 112. If you need immediate assistance related to a an emergency situation, such as a death, hospitalization, or you have been a victim of serious crime, you can call the Embassy at +34-91-587-2200. U.S. citizens with immediate travel plans who do not have a valid passport, but have some form of government-issued identification, may ask their airline for assistance boarding at the airport.
There are reports that emergency medical services (telephone numbers 112 and 061 from within Spain) are stressed and that responses are delayed. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms of a worsening fever and/or shortness of breath and emergency services are not responding, consider going to an emergency room at the closest hospital to seek treatment.
Entry and Exit Requirements:
United States: The United States has imposed a 30-day suspension on the entry of all immigrants and non-immigrants who were physically present in the Schengen Area, UK, and Ireland, during the 14 days prior to attempted entry into the United States. The suspension on entry does not apply to U.S. citizens and U.S. lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and their families. Please read the full text of the Presidential Proclamation here.
For more information, see: https://www.dhs.gov/news/2020/03/13/department-homeland-security-outlines-new-process-americans-returning-certain and https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/warning/coronavirus-europe.
Spain: Spanish authorities request that U.S. citizens and LPRs not go to the airport unless they have a scheduled flight. Many airlines are reducing or suspending services. Please contact your airline directly to change your travel reservations.