2022.0601.(Wed) Arles to San Gillet 20.9㎞
Left hotel at 9 and got sandwiches at nearby shop. Went to the starting point of Camino Arles, Les Alyscamps , and had a young lady, who was passing by, taken picture of me.
From there, followed the trail as it was shown on the map by the City of Arles.
Went across La Rorne at 10:20 and continued to walk west. At the traffic circle (roundabout) jest outside Arles, I took D570 in error but got back to the village of Gimeaux shortly. 8km from Gimaux, it was very hot and dry, without any shade. I carried water of 2 litters which I thought was plenty but it was running out. Luckily, found a roadside fountain at Saint-Cesaire Monastery. Arrived D37 at 3:07 and was not bad at this time. From Here, found out to walk gravel surface and it was time consuming. Went across the Petite Rohne at 4:42 and I should have walked on the highway side but went traditional Camino. This road was either dirt road or gravel and sun was still high and GPS showed quite a distance. I tried to hitch-hike but no one stopped for me. Even stopped, they said “No,” “I don’t have a room for you.” “It is very near, just keep walking.” Finally, stopped a well-educated young gentleman who spoke perfect English. He was very kind and GPS was incorrect. It was very close at less than one km.
Checked in with Hotel at 6:30. The Hotel was nice with good restaurant.
This is a different Camino that I know of. No supply of any food or water, no town, no shops, no people, no pets. Saw 4-5 bikers grup and only one other pilgrim.
2022年6月1日、カミノ・100日巡礼の初日 アルルからサン・ジレ 20.9㎞
Pont NeufでRohne川を渡ってアルルを出発。いよいよ1600㎞巡礼の始まりです。この日から熱波で気温が30度を超え、大変な暑さとなりました。午前中はまだよかったのですが、Gimeauxという村を過ぎ午後になって道路C-113にかかると、道路からの照り返しがきつく、風もなく家もなく木もなく影もなく人一人いないカンカン照りの野中の一本道で、まして休憩用のベンチなどどこにもなく、昼食の際には地面に座って食べました。水は2リットルもっていったので、十分と思っていました。しかし、午後二時ごろにはあと200㏄になってしまいました。困ったと思っていたところ、Saint Casaire修道院前にたどり着き、その前の道路わきに水場があり、たらふく飲んでボトルに補充しました。大変ありがたかったです。
The starting point of Camino Arles, Les Alyscamps